Sate lilit. Sate lilit is the favorite street food on Bali. This traditional delicacy is usually made with minced meat Since sate lilit originated on Bali, it is often referred to as sate lilit Bali, and next to babi guling, it is. SATE LILIT BALI (Balinese Minced Seafood Sate).
If you look at the list of the ground spices ingredients, chances are you probably not going to give this sate lilit a try.
Tempat kuliner sate lilit Bali yang halal dan enak.
Seperti pada umumnya, bahwa wisatawan muslim selalu ingin berusaha menemukan tempat makan halal di Bali yang bebas dari olahan daging babi.
You can have Sate lilit using 17 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve that.
Ingredients of Sate lilit
- Prepare 250 gr of daging paha ayam giling halus.
- You need 250 gr of daging dada giling halus.
- You need of Bumbu halus :.
- Prepare 8 of Bawang merah.
- Prepare 5 of Bawang putih.
- Prepare 5 of Cabe kriting.
- It's 1/3 ruas jari of Kunyit.
- It's 1/4 ruas jari of Kencur.
- Prepare 3 butir of Kemiri.
- You need sedikit of Terasi.
- You need secukupnya of Gula merah.
- Prepare 60 ml of Santan kental.
- It's of Garam.
- You need of Penyedap.
- You need of Merica.
- It's of Daun jeruk 5 lmr gunting halus.
- Prepare of Sereh 1 batang putihnya saja.
Minced pork satay (sate lilit bali). Sate Lilit - - These bite-sized Balinese Minced Pork Satays are made easy to make and packed with a mouthwatering Balinese spice paste known as basa genap! Flag this item for. image. sate-lilit. sate-lilit. Find this Pin and more on.
Sate lilit step by step
- Tumis bumbu halus hingga harum campurkan ke ayam giling aduk2 hingga rata.
- Olesi tangan dgn minyak lalu kepal 2 bakar di teflon/ happy call.
- Tusuk dgn tusuk sate.
Resep Sate Lilit enak dan mudah untuk dibuat. Di sini ada cara membuat yang jelas dan mudah diikuti. Food and drinks company in Surabaya, Indonesia. Ya, sate ala Bali yang satu ini memiliki bahan dasar daging ikan yang dicampur dengan parutan kelapa, aneka bumbu dan rempah, lalu dililitkan ke. The last is called sate lilit and it originated in Bali.