Recipe: Perfect Enoki beef rool

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Enoki beef rool. Enoki Beef Rolls - Japanese beef rolls made from delicious marinated beef filled with enoki mushroom are the perfect bite-sized appetiser! Ooooh these are little rolls of magic! Lately I've become obsessed with enoki mushrooms.

Enoki beef rool Ooooh these are little rolls of magic! Lately I've become obsessed with enoki mushrooms. The bouncy texture, how easy they are to. You can have Enoki beef rool using 11 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Enoki beef rool

  1. Prepare 1 bungkus of enoki.
  2. Prepare slice of Beef.
  3. You need of Margarin.
  4. You need 1/2 sdt of lada hitam.
  5. It's Sejumput of garam.
  6. You need 1 sachet of saos teriyaki.
  7. It's 1 sdm of kecap manis.
  8. Prepare of Boncabe (jika suka pedas).
  9. You need 1 sdm of olive oil (bisa diganti minyak goreng).
  10. It's 1/4 of bawang bombay.
  11. You need Sedikit of daun bawang.

Arrange a few enoki mushrooms on each slice of beef, then roll into a tight roll. Spoon the sauce over the beef rolls and serve garnished with strips of seaweed. Something quick and easy to do that your fam will surely love. Got my beef from Woori Mart along Friendship Highway.

Enoki beef rool instructions

  1. Siapkan bahan2 terlebih dahulu. Cuci bersih jamur enokii.. lalu rebus sebentar (kl saya rebus dulu soalnya suka yg matang) setelah ditiriskan tunggu agak dingin. Lalu gulung dengan beef slice...
  2. Panaskan margarine di teflon. Tata enoki yg sudah di gulung tadi, bolak balik dengan api sedang (jangan terlalu lama agar beef tdk keras)...
  3. Lalu tata di piring saji. Selanjutnya masukan minyak di teflon, lalu masukan bawang bombay, saus teriyaki, kecap manis, lada hitam, garam sedikit saja karena sudah asin.. oseng sampai matang lalu tambahkan daun bawang agar tampilan lebih segar.. jika sudah tuang saus yg sudah matang ke piring saji. Siap dihidangkan..

Roll the beef tightly around the enoki on a slight angle so that it's wrapped evenly. Heat oil in a pan over medium high heat. Pan fry the rolls while turning every few mins until. Place onions and enoki mushrooms on the meat, roll up. Heat some oil, pan-fry beef rolls until fragrant and golden in color.