Chicken Katsu Don🍚 #tantanganakhirtahun #masakditahunbaru. Golden fried chicken katsu served with savory dashi sauce and eggs over rice. Crispy chicken katsu served with savory sauce and eggs over rice, this Chicken Katsudon (Chicken Cutlet Rice Bowl) is a typical lunch enjoyed by all ages in Japan. #katsudon #rhg. Today's recipe, Chicken Katsu Don, might "look" time-consuming but it's actually not.
Katsu - Chicken Katsu, Tonkatsu (pork), and Gyukatsu(beef) all work for this recipe and can be substituted How to make Chicken Katsudon.
If you are using leftover chicken katsu, you You don't want the heat to be too high, or all of your sauce will evaporate.
Chicken Katsu Don recipe: Chicken Katsudon is a popular Japanese dish that consists of a bowl of rice topped with a deep-fried chicken cutlet, egg, and condiments.
You can have Chicken Katsu Don🍚 #tantanganakhirtahun #masakditahunbaru using 16 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that.
Ingredients of Chicken Katsu Don🍚 #tantanganakhirtahun #masakditahunbaru
- Prepare 2 btr of telur,kocok lepas.
- You need 500 gr of fillet dada ayam,potong tipis.
- You need of Perasan air jeruk nipis.
- You need of Pelapis:.
- You need secukupnya of Tepung terigu tambahkan garam,merica,& garlic powder.
- Prepare 2 btr of telur,kocok lepas.
- It's secukupnya of Breadcrumbs.
- You need 1 bh of bawang bombay,iris tipis.
- You need 250 ml of air.
- It's 2 sachet of dashi bubuk.
- You need 2 sdm of mirin.
- You need 3 sdm of kecap asin.
- You need 2 sdm of gula pasir.
- You need of Taburan:.
- It's 1 btg of daun bawang,iris halus.
- It's of Nori secukupnya,gunting tipis.
In a deep pan, stir-fry onion slices in sesame oil until they become translucent. Katsu-don is a very filling main dish. A bowl of rice topped with tonkatsu, onion and beaten egg I occasionally make katsu-don with chicken katsuretsu but I have not heard of katsu-don with beef Katsu-don is the same concept as oyako-don but with a different topping. Due to the deep fried meat.
Chicken Katsu Don🍚 #tantanganakhirtahun #masakditahunbaru step by step
- Chicken katsu:Lumuri ayam dgn perasan jeruk,diamkan sebentar,cuci bersih.Lumuri ayam dgn terigu-kocokan telur- breadcrumbs,goreng sampai matang,tiriskan.
- Masak air,dashi,mirin,gula sampai mendidih,masukkan bawang bombay,masak sebentar,,beri katsu di atasnya, tuangkan telur yg sdh dikocok lepas.Masak dgn api besar sampai telur matang.Taburi bawang daun di atasnya.
- Dlm mangkok,tata nasi putih.Tuangkan katsu & telur atasnya.Taburi dgn nori.
- Bahan2nya.
Baked crispy chicken tonkatsu on a bed of flavourful sauce of soft egg and shiitake, in a bowl of hot white rice. Super delicious and can easily be prepared at home. This is my family recipe for Chicken Katsu - Japanese style fried chicken. Can also be used to make Tonkatsu, just use pork cutlets instead of chicken. The chicken katsu came out crunchy and delicious. (ETA: I slice the chicken breast to three or four thin fillets instead of pounding.