Recipe: Tasty Bolu Jadoel Chocolate Keju

Bolu Jadoel Chocolate Keju.

Bolu Jadoel Chocolate Keju You can cook Bolu Jadoel Chocolate Keju using 7 ingredients and 1 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Bolu Jadoel Chocolate Keju

  1. You need 4 butir of telur ayam.
  2. It's 120 gr of gula pasir.
  3. You need 100 gr of tepung terigu.
  4. Prepare 1/2 sdt of baking powder.
  5. You need 1 sdt of vanila Extract.
  6. Prepare 20 gr of susu bubuk.
  7. Prepare 75 gr of buter, lelehkkan.

Bolu Jadoel Chocolate Keju step by step

  1. Cara membuat: Panas kan oven Kocok telur & gula hingga kaku & pucat (kurleb 15 menit speed 3),matikan mixer. masukan tepung terigu,susu bubuk,baking powder aduk rata dgn spatula masukan buter leleh & vanila,aduk rata. Tuang kedalam loyang 20x20 oles mantega & taburi tepung, panggang dalam oven 180'c selama 30 menit (tergantung oven masing2).