Recipe: Perfect Bolu Jadul with Choco Chips (very simple)

Bolu Jadul with Choco Chips (very simple). This video was created by: LaLa 👧 Mrs. La's Cooking _ This video is not sponsored _ apologize if there is an error in pronunciation or prescription writing. Cara membuat Banana Cake with Choco Chips/Bolu Pisang simple banget sobat.

Bolu Jadul with Choco Chips (very simple) Bolu Pisang (Banana Cake) Panggang Oven Tabur Choco Chips. Lelehkan margarin, sisihkan dan biarkan dingin. Just a simple, straightforward, amazingly delicious, doughy yet still fully cooked, chocolate chip It is seriously the Best Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe Ever! You can have Bolu Jadul with Choco Chips (very simple) using 7 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Bolu Jadul with Choco Chips (very simple)

  1. It's 150 gr of tepung terigu.
  2. You need 100 gr of gula halus.
  3. You need 4 butir of telur utuh.
  4. You need 1 sdt of SP.
  5. You need 1/2 sdt of baking powder.
  6. Prepare 100 gr of margarine, lelehkan.
  7. It's secukupnya of Choco Chips.

Chip Cookies - Cake coklat susu chocochips - Vanila Chocochip Cookies - Choco Chips Cookies #PR_Cookies - Chewy Chocochip Cookies - Matcha Chocochips Cookies - Banana cake chocochip - BANANA Chocochip CUPCAKE - Choco chip cookies - Bolu Tape Keju kismis with choco chip. Healthy Dark Choco Cookies by Dapur Nini. Kue bolu tape / tapai tabur kismis keju ( cassava cake ). Big O' Choco Cashew Soft Cookies by Gui. chocolate chips. equivalent values. amount, in grams (g).

Bolu Jadul with Choco Chips (very simple) step by step

  1. Panaskan oven terlebih dahulu..
  2. Mixer telur, gula halus, SP dan baking powder hingga mengembang dan berjejak..
  3. Kemudian tambahkan tepung terigu, aduk dengan spatula..
  4. Masukan margarine yang telah di lelehkan, aduk lagi hingga rata. Kemudian masukan sebagian choco chip, aduk rata..
  5. Setelah rata, tuangkan kedalam loyang. Beri taburan choco chips di atas nya. Dan panggang hingga matang -/+ 25 menit..
  6. .
  7. .

Simple eggless choco chip cookies that are delicious and crisp on the edges with a soft texture in the center. A wide variety of choco chips biscuit options are available to you, such as flavor, taste, and packaging. Add in the choco chips finally and give a quick stir. Now the cookies dough is ready. Meanwhile roll them into medium sized balls and flatten it with your palms - if you want more thinner cookies flatten them thin.