How to Prepare Appetizing ⚜ Pop Ice Buble Milk ⚜

⚜ Pop Ice Buble Milk ⚜.

⚜ Pop Ice Buble Milk ⚜ You can cook ⚜ Pop Ice Buble Milk ⚜ using 11 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of ⚜ Pop Ice Buble Milk ⚜

  1. It's 2 bungkus of pop ice.
  2. It's 2 sdm of susu bubuk.
  3. It's of es batu.
  4. You need of air.
  5. You need of ☞ buble :.
  6. Prepare 5 sdm of tapioka.
  7. You need 1 sdm of coklat bubuk.
  8. You need 1 sdm of gula.
  9. It's sedikit of garam.
  10. Prepare secukupnya of air.
  11. It's of tapioka yang taruh dalam kotak plastik untuk lapisan.

⚜ Pop Ice Buble Milk ⚜ instructions

  1. ➜ buble : campurkan semua bahan tuangkn air secukupnya, uleni sampai tak lengket ditangan dan pulung sedikit adonan lalu bentuk bulat² kelereng dan masukan kedalam kotak yang sudah terisi tapioka gulung².
  2. ➜ masak secukupnya buble sampai matang terapung dan angkat. masukan 2 bungkus pop ice+2 sdm susu bubuk+air+es batu kocok² dibotol plastik/blender, tuangkan kedalam gelas dan tambahkan buble nya 👍 jadi dech.