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Sure it's been done before, but it never gets old.
There's something magical about dry ice, bubbles, and especially the result you see when they're combined!
You can cook Ice blend bubble simple using 6 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook it.
Ingredients of Ice blend bubble simple
- It's 100 gram of bubble tapioka (bisa sampai 10 gelas lho).
- You need 1000 ml of air.
- Prepare of Air gula (rendaman bubble).
- It's 1 sachet of dancow (kalau saya pakai bubuk ice blend dari h*p2).
- You need 30 ml of air gula / 2 sdm gula pasir.
- It's secukupnya of Keju.
For this experiment, I filled a bowl about half full with warm water. GFB Food Sdn Bhd is the ice blended and milkshake powder, bubble tea and black pearls supplier in Malaysia which includes all ingredients and MIX-LAH Ice blended and Milkshake mixes makes running your F&B business easy and profitable. You can spend less time on preparation process, and. The giant bubble you can make using dry ice and bubble solution resembles a crystal ball.
Ice blend bubble simple step by step
- Didihkan air didalam panci untuk memasak bubble. Masak sambil diadukan setiap 5 menit selama 25menit yah..
- Setelah 25 menit matikan api lalu tutup bubble dengan tutup panci selama 10 menit.
- Setelah itu cuci bubble dengan air matang yang bersih..
- Lalu tempatkan bubble dalam wadah dan tambahkan air gula juga air biasa untuk merendam bubble.
- Masukkan 250 ml air + es batu kedalam blender. Tambah kan bubuk minuman 1 sachet. Blender selama 1-2 menit..
- Sambil menunggu. Tambahkan skm juga bubble kedalam gelas. Lalu masukkan hasil blender tadi. Tambahkan keju, meses, Choco chip atau oreo crumb pasti lebih nikmat..
- Note = Takaran untuk bubuk minuman 25-30 gram. Kalau milo 2 sachet. Kalau saya pakai bubuk ini untuk di kedai saya. Kalau pakai pop ice jangan ditambah gula lagi ya....
- Selamat mencoba....
This is an easy and spectacular science project. Add a piece of dry ice. The dry ice will make bubbles in the liquid. Spread a film of bubble solution around the lip of the container. Drink hot, cold or blended with ice for a frappe treat rivaling frozen drinks at chains like Starbucks.