Easiest Way to Prepare Delicious Ice Bubble Milk Coffee

Ice Bubble Milk Coffee.

Ice Bubble Milk Coffee You can have Ice Bubble Milk Coffee using 9 ingredients and 12 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Ice Bubble Milk Coffee

  1. It's of Bahan Bubble :.
  2. Prepare 20 Gr of Coklat Jelly Powder.
  3. Prepare 4 Sdm of Tepung Tapioka.
  4. Prepare 50 ML of Air Hangat.
  5. It's 1 Bungkus of Luwak Ice Coffee.
  6. It's of Bahan Buat Susu (Bisa juga pake fresh Milk) :.
  7. You need 4 Sdm of Susu Cair.
  8. You need 140 ML of Air.
  9. It's Secukupnya of susu Evaporasi.

Ice Bubble Milk Coffee step by step

  1. Campurkan Coklat Jelly Powder + Tepung Tapioka + Air Hangat.
  2. Panaskan Air hingga mendidih lalu masukan adonan bubble bentuk bulat-bulat.
  3. Angkat Lalu tiriskan.
  4. Bikin Coffee + air dingin lalu masukan ke cetakan lalu masukan ke frezzer hingga beku.
  5. Buat susu + air biasa.
  6. Masukan Bubble ke dalam gelas.
  7. Tambahkan Ice Coffee yang sudah dibekukan.
  8. Masukan Susu Cair.
  9. Masukan Susu Evaporasi diatasnya (kalo saya pake merk F&N).
  10. Penampakan Atas.
  11. Penampakan Samping.
  12. Siap Disajikan 😘😘😘😘.