How to Make Yummy Es Boba Milo fiber creme

Es Boba Milo fiber creme.

Es Boba Milo fiber creme You can have Es Boba Milo fiber creme using 5 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Es Boba Milo fiber creme

  1. It's 50 gr of fiber creme.
  2. Prepare 2 Bks of Milo.
  3. It's secukupnya of Boba.
  4. You need secukupnya of Es batu.
  5. Prepare secukupnya of Air.

Es Boba Milo fiber creme instructions

  1. 1 bks Milo di tambahkan air hangat setengah gelas terus di campurkan ke dalam Boba..
  2. Fiber creme tambahkan air setengah gelas terus campurkan ke dalam Milo Boba kemudian tambahkan es batu..
  3. Beri taburan Milo di atasnya..