Recipe: Appetizing Enoki Siram Bakso & Otak²

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Enoki Siram Bakso & Otak².

Enoki Siram Bakso & Otak² You can cook Enoki Siram Bakso & Otak² using 12 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Enoki Siram Bakso & Otak²

  1. You need 1 bks of jamur enoki.
  2. It's of Sawi hijau.
  3. It's of Otak²,potong², goreng.
  4. It's of Bakso,potong².
  5. You need of Telur puyuh.
  6. Prepare iris of Bawang bombay,.
  7. You need iris of Daun bawang,.
  8. It's iris of Cabe merah,.
  9. Prepare of Saori.
  10. It's of Merica bubuk.
  11. Prepare of Gula.
  12. Prepare of Royco.

Enoki Siram Bakso & Otak² step by step

  1. Rebus enoki sebentar juga sawi, tiriskan..
  2. Tumis daun bawang, bawang bombay juga cabe, kemudian masukkan bakso, telur puyuh juga otak². Tambahkan saori, merica dkk 😁 koreksi rasa.
  3. Sirami enoki dan sawi dengan saos. Selesai.