Black forest roll. Black forest roll updated their profile picture. Soft and fluffy cake with strong delicious chocolate flavour, rolled with homemade cherry compote and cream. Absolutely amazing, and fun to make!
Dark chocolate and cherries bring a taste of the Black Forest to these sweet bread rolls.
Flatten the dough balls slightly and place half a.
This combination always fits together well.
You can have Black forest roll using 18 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve that.
Ingredients of Black forest roll
- You need of Bahan A:.
- You need 3 butir of telur.
- It's 3 of kuning telur.
- You need 65 gr of gula pasir.
- Prepare 1 sdt of munjung sp.
- Prepare 1 sdt of vanila.
- You need of Bahan B:.
- You need 30 gr of tepung terigu.
- Prepare 5 gr of maizena.
- Prepare 20 gr of coklat bubuk.
- It's 5 gr of susu bubuk.
- You need 1 sdm of kopi instan (indocafe) resep asli tanpa kopi.
- You need of Bahan C:.
- You need 65 gr of mentega cair (palmia royal).
- You need 1 sdm of pasta black forest.
- Prepare of Topping/filling:.
- It's of Butter cream (pernah dishare resep sebelum'y).
- Prepare of selai coklat/strawberry.
In this new video I show a rolled up variation. If you want to print this recipe. With cherries and chocolate Roll Black Forest. Check Black Forest Roll Recipe in Urdu.
Black forest roll instructions
- Siapkan wadah lalu campur semua bahan A mixer dengan kecepatan tinggi sekitar 5 menit atau sampai soft peak.
- Lalu tambahkan bahan B yg sebelumnya telah diayak mixer sebentar saja lalu tambahkan bahan C atau mentega cair & pasta black forest aduk rata kembali menggunakan mixer sebentar saja asal rata.matikan mixer, aduk balik adonan sampai campuran tepung & telur menyatu dengan mentega dan tidak ada mentega cair yg mengendap di dasar wadah sampai benar2 tercampur rata.
- Siapkan loyang ukuran 28x23x2 oles menggunakan margarin lalu lapisi dengan baking paper lalu tuang adonan ke dalam loyang hentakan 3x lalu panggang dengan api sedang 180° selama 20 menit.angkat.
- Siapkan baking paper/serbet bersih yg lebih besar dari ukuran loyang cake lalu balik.gulung cake secara perlahan namun pasti sambil dipadatkan.setelah hangat lalu buka kertas/serbet tadi.
- Oles menggunakan selai & butter cream gulung kembali.tunggu selama 20 menit lalu buka gulungannya oles permukaan menggunakan butter cream tambahkan serutan coklat.
- .
- Aku simpan dikulkas sebentar lalu potong2 agar cream & coklat set terlebih dahulu..
Learn how to make best Black Forest Roll Recipe, cooking at its finest by chef Shireen Anwar at Masala TV show. Carefully roll up the cake using the paper as a guide. Set aside and let cool completely. Re-roll the cake and top with more whipping cream, cherries and chocolate. Explore blackforestrollcake. birthday black blackforest brandy cake cherries cherry forest roll sprinkles.