Coffe pancake with banana & kurma topping😆. They're not as delicious as when they're fresh, but they make a nice snack. Larger crêpe-like pancakes: Blend the bananas and eggs in a blender. Banana Oatmeal Pancakes are delicious healthy pancakes that are gluten-free, dairy-free, and sugar-free.
They start off with hearty rolled oats, Silk Almond.
Easy, fluffy, tender, naturally sweetened, and the perfect healthier breakfast or dessert!
We prefer cooking the pancakes on a seasoned cast-iron pan very lightly coated with oil (see cast-iron tips in our Instagram Story Highlights!).
You can cook Coffe pancake with banana & kurma topping😆 using 9 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.
Ingredients of Coffe pancake with banana & kurma topping😆
- You need 150 gram of tepung mix pancake.
- It's 1 butir of telur.
- It's 1 buah of pisang.
- It's 5 biji of buah kurma.
- It's of margarin.
- You need 3 sendok teh of gula pasir.
- You need 1 sdt of kopi.
- Prepare of coklat toping.
- You need of sirup marjan.
Banana pancakes are incredibly easy to make, especially when you're making them for two, because you just need one overripe banana and a handful of pantry staples. You whisk together the dry ingredients: flour, a little sugar, baking powder, and salt. Combine flour, white sugar, baking powder and salt. Fluffy on the inside, crispy on the outside, and delicately flavored with bananas and vanilla — these Whipped up a triple batch of these for my family this morning.
Coffe pancake with banana & kurma topping😆 step by step
- Siapkan potongan pisang dan kurma.
- Masukan 150 gram tepung mix pancake dan campurkan 1 butir telur dan margarin cair,1 sdt kopi bubuk 3 sdt gula pasir, aduk! Dan tambah sedikit demi sedikit air hangat sampai didapat kekentalan adonan yg diinginkan.
- Siapkan pan yg sudah panas dan oleskan sedikt margarin. Tuangkan 1 sendok sayur adonan untuk 1 pancake. Atur api menggunakan api kecil. Sering diliat jangan sampai gosong.
- Pancake yg sudah matang sajikan diatas piring saji. Kemudian kita platting sesuai selera dengan topping kurma dan pisang.
- Selamat mencoba n happy cooking!.
I guess I should have had a coffee before adding. I sometimes pack these pancakes as a snack box for school and the children love it. Serve Ragi Pancake Recipe With Bananas along with a Cocoa Banana Almond Date Smoothie or Espresso Coffee for your morning breakfast. If you like this recipe, you can also try other Pancake Recipes for. I topped my banana pancakes with sliced banana, toasted coconut flakes and a drizzle of maple syrup, but peanut butter or coconut butter would be a natural fit So reward yourself after a hard week of work with these banana pancakes while you sip on some freshly brewed coffee from your own mug.