Banana coffee oatmeal cookies. These Banana Oatmeal Breakfast Cookies are easy to make, tasty, and perfect for breakfast on-the-go! Full of fiber, complex carbs, and healthy fats. Keywords: oatmeal cookies recipe, banana oatmeal cookies, best oatmeal cookies, easy oatmeal cookies, easy oatmeal cookies recipe These banana oatmeal cookies had a tremendous flavor, although they were quite dry.
This recipe yields a perfectly soft, cake-like banana cookie loaded with oats.
How to Make Banana Oatmeal Cookies.
Making banana cookies with oats from scratch is very easy.
You can cook Banana coffee oatmeal cookies using 6 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you cook that.
Ingredients of Banana coffee oatmeal cookies
- It's 4 sdm of oatmeal (sebagai bahan utama).
- It's 1 sdm of oatmeal (sebagai topping).
- You need 3 buah of pisang (apapun, disini saya pakai kepok).
- Prepare 1 sdm of kopi bubuk (yang tanpa gula ya, saya pakai kopi lampung).
- It's 1 sdm of madu (sebagai pemanis).
- You need 30 ml of air matang.
You can use a stand mixer or a hand mixer to make the dough. TESTED & PERFECTED RECIPE - These banana oatmeal cookies are crispy on the outside, chewy on the inside and taste just like banana bread. What you'll need to make Banana Oatmeal Cookies. Begin by combining the flour, oats, baking soda, salt, and spices in a bowl.
Banana coffee oatmeal cookies step by step
- Campurkan oatmeal dan kopi lalu diberi air hingga berbentuk pasta.
- Hancurkan pisang.
- Tambahkan madu ke dalam pisang yang sudah dihancurkan.
- Campurkan pisang ke dalam adonan oatmeal dan diaduk hingga tercampur rata.
- Siapkan loyang yang sudah diberi margarin atau minyak zaitun agar tidak lengket.
- Ambil adonan dengan sendok, secukupnya, lalu pipihkan.
- Beri taburan oatmeal diatasnya sebagai topping (bisa diganti kacang, keju dll). Ini bisa bikin kukis jadi makin kriuk.
- Oven selama kurang lebih 30 menit, dengan api sedang agar tidak gosong.
- Tadaaa... Kukis sehat sudah jadi. Rasanya enak loh, bisa jadi teman ngopi, teh atau susu. Selamat mencoba ;).
Banana Oatmeal Cookies are soft, chewy and studded with chocolate. Pair them with a mug of your favorite coffee for breakfast, or serve them up for dessert! Today I want to chat about Kombucha. Which is obviously completely unrelated to these Banana Oatmeal Cookies. These BANANA OATMEAL COOKIES are loaded with ripe bananas, oats, and chocolate chips for a soft cookie that tastes like my favorite banana bread!