Banana Milk Coffee. Add the banana milk to the coffee. The final result is milky and. 리얼 바나나 우유 만들기 Banana Milk Banana milk coffee, which is made by blending a banana with water or milk, then adding.
It tastes healthy and fresh too!
Somewhere between a banana milkshake and an iced coffee, the banana milk coffee was born.
Made with blended milk, bananas, and a splash of simple syrup, banana milk is combined with cold brew.
You can cook Banana Milk Coffee using 9 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it.
Ingredients of Banana Milk Coffee
- Prepare 4 sdm of kopi hitam bubuk.
- You need 250 ml of air masak.
- It's 200 ml of susu cair (pasteurisasi).
- It's 2 buah of pisang ambon.
- You need 2 sdm of gula pasir.
- Prepare 1/4 sdt of kayu manis bubuk.
- It's of Taburan :.
- It's Sejumput of Kayu manis bubuk.
- Prepare 1/2 sdt of Gula palm.
Try the Banana Milk Coffee, a twist to your daily coffee. Its another form of smoothie which is very Want your morning coffee to be rich, creamy and delicious? Just a few bananas and a generous. Banana milk isn't something you would find in the United States unless you live in Florida.
Banana Milk Coffee step by step
- Potong-potong pisang, tambahkan gula pasir. Panggang dalam teflon hingga gula larut. Masukkan 100 ml susu, aduk, masak sebentar tidak perlu sampai mendidih..
- Angkat, tambahkan kayu manis. Blender hingga halus tambahkan lagi 100 ml susu cair masukkan ke gelas. Sisihkan..
- Didihkan air, masukkan kopi hitam bubuk ke dalam saringan kopi, aduk, biarkan hingga kopi larut. Saring lagi. Tuang ke dalam gelas pisang. Aduk..
- Taburi gula palm + kayu manis bubuk, jika suka tambahkan es batu. Sajikan atau untuk pesanan kemas pakai gelas/wadah yang ada tutupnya..
I tried adding the homemade banana milk to both my cold brew and hot coffee in the morning. Banana milk is a delicious nut-free, dairy-free milk alternative. With only two-ingredients it's quick and easy to whip up at home. All you need are bananas, water and a blender. Banana milk coffee, the brain-child of Brooklyn's J+B Design & Cafe, could be this fall's newest must-have beverage Since banana milk coffee ends up drinking more like a latte than anything else, it.