Recipe: Tasty Jamur Enoki Tepung

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Jamur Enoki Tepung.

Jamur Enoki Tepung You can have Jamur Enoki Tepung using 7 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Jamur Enoki Tepung

  1. Prepare 1 bungkus of enoki.
  2. Prepare 150 gram of Tepung terigu merk kunci.
  3. You need 3 sdm of Tepung Beras (saya pake rosebrand).
  4. You need 2 sdt of Garam.
  5. You need 2 sdm of Totole.
  6. It's 1 sdt of Merica.
  7. Prepare 1 of Telor.

Jamur Enoki Tepung instructions

  1. Campur terigu Dan tepung beras tambah garam, merica Dan totole beri telor lalu air sedikit sedikit agar tdk terlalu kental atau pun cair.
  2. Cuci enoki, buang pangkal nya yg hitam itu.pisah-pisahkan jamurnya masukkan ke adonan.
  3. Goreng diminyak yg banyak jg panas.masukinnya satu- satu pake tangan.jgn pakai sendok diamkan agar bagian bawah matang dulu lalu balik.