Dalgona Milo Monster. Other Dalgona-Inspired Recipes You Can Try At Home, Including Milo Dalgona & Matcha Dalgona. Anyone can make Dalgona Coffee in just three simple steps and that's why the recipe went viral on. How to Make Dalgona Milo (No Coffee) at Home Without Mixer?
Dalgona Coffee has a lot of origins.
Apart from coffee, you can also use Milo as the froth.
But if you're going to use Milo, better to use it with whip cream or pasteurized egg.
You can have Dalgona Milo Monster using 9 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook that.
Ingredients of Dalgona Milo Monster
- Prepare of Dalgona Milo.
- It's 1 of sc Milo.
- It's 1/2 sdt of SP.
- You need secukupnya of Air Panas.
- You need of Milo monster.
- It's 250 ml of susu sapi segar (dingin).
- It's 2 sdt of milo bubuk.
- Prepare 2 sdt of susu kental manis coklat.
- It's 1 sdt of air panas.
It's really easy to make a cup of the trending Dalgona Coffee. With less than five minutes, you could enjoy the world's most famous drink while catching up on your favorite Netflix series. How To Make Dalgona Milo, According To Erwan Heussaff. Warna dari dalgona Milo ini coklat muda, terlihat seperti kopi mocha.
Dalgona Milo Monster instructions
- Membuat dalgona. Seduh milo dengan air panas hingga agak cair lalu tambahkan SP, kemudian kocok dengan whisker, atau bisa pakai mixer maupun blender terserah yang penting sampai pucat dan mengental..
- Membuat milo monster. Seduh milo bubuk dengan air panas, aduk sampai rata, tambahkan susu kental manis coklat, bagi yang suka manis bisa tambahkan gula atau pakai skm putih, tapi ak pakai resep ini tanpa gula sudah kerasa manis banget. Setelah itu tinggal tambahkan susu sapi yang dingin atau bisa juga pakai es batu, sesuai selera aja..
- Terakhir beri toping dalgona diatas susu. Siap dinikmati.
Namun dalgona Milo ini tetap punya rasa cokelat Milo yang khas. Ada rasa gurih dari susu yang masih sedikit terasa. Di sebab kn kedai Dalgona yg bru buka di Seoul ini,memulakn kisah seorg Namja dan Yeoja ni. Dalgona-Milo is an avid fanfiction reader and an active particpant in the world of fandom. Mix the milo mixture and beaten egg white/meringue to make dalgona.