How to Make Delicious Fudgy Brownies (with almond crumble)

Fudgy Brownies (with almond crumble).

Fudgy Brownies (with almond crumble) You can cook Fudgy Brownies (with almond crumble) using 10 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Fudgy Brownies (with almond crumble)

  1. You need 150 gr of dcc.
  2. It's 150 gr of gula halus.
  3. Prepare 2 butir of telur.
  4. It's 40 ml of minyak.
  5. Prepare 50 gr of mentega.
  6. Prepare 100 gr of terigu serbaguna.
  7. You need 15 gr of coklat bubuk.
  8. Prepare 20 gr of kopi instan(bisa ganti coklat bubuk).
  9. Prepare of Isian.
  10. You need of Strawberry cookies.

Fudgy Brownies (with almond crumble) step by step

  1. Lelehkan dcc,minyak,margarin,coklat bubuk, kopi instan.
  2. Kocok gula dan telur hingga gula benar2 larut.
  3. Campurkan adonan telur dan dcc.
  4. .
  5. Tambahkan tepung terigu,aduk rata.
  6. .
  7. Tambahkan strawberry cookies(optional ya...bisa di skip).
  8. Siapkan loyang yg telah diisi baking paper, panaskan oven 180° 15 mnt api atas bawah.
  9. Tuang adonan ke dalam loyang, panggang selama 25mnt/ sesuaikan dengan oven masing2..