Hot pudding banana. Arrange vanilla wafers in a single layer over bananas. In a large bowl, beat egg whites on medium speed until soft peaks form. Spread the meringue evenly over pudding.
The other half of the pudding stayed in the double boiler on low heat and got a good dollop of semi-sweet chocolate chips they melt quickly and VOILA!
Top tip for making Hot banana pudding.
Whisk a small amount of hot mixture into eggs; return all to pan, whisking constantly.
You can have Hot pudding banana using 10 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that.
Ingredients of Hot pudding banana
- It's 4 buah of pisang (saya pisang kepok).
- It's 4 sdm of gula palm.
- You need 1 butir of telur.
- It's 200 ml of susu uht.
- You need 3 sdm of margarin cairkan.
- Prepare sejumput of garam.
- You need 6 sdm of terigu protein rendah.
- You need 1/4 sdt of baking powder double acting (bs diskip).
- It's 1 bks of kopi instan (boleh cappucinno/coffeemix).
- It's of topping : chocochips dan kacang morin.
Classic Homemade Southern Banana Pudding: Layers of vanilla wafers, sliced bananas, homemade pudding and sweet meringue on top. You don't have to be from the South to love this dessert. It's the best banana pudding recipe I've ever made! Whisk constantly until custard is thick enough to form ribbons.
Hot pudding banana instructions
- Haluskan pisang campurkan dgn susu uht, telur yg sdh dikocok, margarin cair, gula palm dan garam aduk rata lalu masukan terigu, kopi bubuk dan baking powder double acting aduk rata. Tuang kedlm pinggan tahan panas, beri toping chocochips dan kacang morin..
- Panggang suhu 170 derajat selama 50 menit..
- Dimakan pas anget enak bangeeet lembut gitu....
- .
Remove custard from heat and add vanilla extract, banana liqueur, and cold butter. The banana chunks add the perfect touch of flavor, and the caramel sauce poured on top is mouth watering good. The nuts add a great texture to each bite. In my opinion, this bread pudding is pretty much perfection. If you don't have Hawaiian buns, any bread, croissant, or bun would work just fine!