Creamy Lecy Polkadot Pudding with Minty Candy Sauce #RecookPudingPolkadot. If you like puddings and chocolate this creamy chocolate pudding is calling for you. It is the best of all puddings ever. So creamy and delicious, you will.
You'll love this creamy coconut milk pudding that's made with coconut milk and cream cheese.
Place coconut milk and cream cheese into sauce pan.
Cook and stir on medium heat until the cream cheese melts.
You can cook Creamy Lecy Polkadot Pudding with Minty Candy Sauce #RecookPudingPolkadot using 18 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve it.
Ingredients of Creamy Lecy Polkadot Pudding with Minty Candy Sauce #RecookPudingPolkadot
- Prepare of Puding Putih*.
- It's 5 gram of jelly bubuk rasa lecy.
- It's 5 gram of jelly bubuk plain.
- It's 2 gelas of air matang.
- Prepare 3 sdm of gula pasir.
- Prepare 40 gram of susu kental manis.
- Prepare 35 gram of susu bubuk (resep asli cream bubuk untuk campuran kopi).
- You need of Puding Merah*.
- Prepare 5 gram of jelly bubuk rasa lecy.
- Prepare 5 gram of agar bubuk warna merah.
- You need 2 gelas of air matang.
- Prepare 5 butir of permen mint rasa Cherry (warna merah).
- You need of Sauce*.
- It's 3 sdm of gula pasir.
- You need 10 butir of permen mint rasa Cherry.
- It's 1 sdm of maizena.
- You need 5 sdm of gula pasir (atau sesuai selera).
- Prepare 1 1/2 gelas of air matang.
The goes-with-anything, does-everything creamy peanut sauce you can make from pantry staples. I have spent many years, and many jars of peanut butter, trying to replicate that well-loved sauce. All those trials and errors have led me to this recipe. ""They Say Soy Sauce On Pudding Tastes Like Sea Urchin, But Soy Sauce On Pudding Only Tastes Like Pudding and Soy Sauce"". Follow this traditional malva pudding recipe to make one of South Africa's favourite desserts.
Creamy Lecy Polkadot Pudding with Minty Candy Sauce #RecookPudingPolkadot instructions
- Buat puding putih nya terlebih dahulu. Campur jelly dengan susu bubuk dan gula pasir. Tambahkan susu kental manis yang telah diseduh dengan air. Masak sambil diaduk hingga mendidih..
- Tuangkan adonan puding putih ke dalam cetakan berbentuk tabung seperti gelas.. biarkan hingga mengeras..
- Setelah puding mengeras, lubangi dengan menggunakan sedotan. Tentukan letak lubangnya. Caranya dengan menusukkan sedotan di permukaan puding hingga ke dalamnya, tekan bagian atas sedotan, lalu tarik dengan cepat.. Sisihkan. 📝 Sebaiknya gunakan gelas berdiameter lebar sebagai cetakan dan sedotan berukuran besar agar lebih leluasa dan mudah dalam menuangkan adonan merahnya..
- Kemudian siapkan puding merahnya. Campur semua bahan puding merah, lalu masak hingga mendidih. Tuangkan sedikit demi sedikit ke dalam lubang puding putih dengan menggunakan corong...
- Hasilnya jadi seperti ini.. dinginkan di dalam kulkas..
- Buat sausnya.. campurkan gula pasir, permen dan air di dalam panci. Masak sambil diaduk hingga permen larut, kemudian tambahkan maizena. Aduk hingga agak mengental. Angkat. Biarkan dingin..
- Keluarkan puding dari cetakan. Potong dan sajikan dengan sausnya..hmm.. wangi permennya tak terlupakan 🍬💖🍃.
Beat the sugar and eggs until fluffy, then beat in the jam until creamy. Sift the dry ingredients into a To make the sauce: Melt all the sauce ingredients together and pour over the pudding when it comes. Pudding is best served immediately to prevent the sauce from being absorbed by the sponge. Self-saucing chocolate puddings (Petrina Tinslay)Source: Petrina Tinslay. Serve warm with a dollop of cream.