Chocoffe oat banana. Easy, flourless and sugar-free banana oat pancakes are a healthy, filling breakfast served with fresh fruit and can be made in minutes. Bananas and chocolate chips enrich these easy muffins made with rolled oats and whole wheat flour. All Reviews for Healthy Banana Chocolate Chip Oat Muffins.
Peanut Butter Banana Chocolate Chip Oat Bars are flourless, contain.
How to make Healthy Banana Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Muffins.
Oats: I recommend using rolled or old fashioned oats.
You can cook Chocoffe oat banana using 13 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.
Ingredients of Chocoffe oat banana
- Prepare 2 bh of pisang Raja (lumat halus).
- It's 200 gram of oat meal.
- It's 1 bks of coffee instan tanpa gula(pake yg gula juga gpp tapi makin manis😄).
- Prepare 4 sdm of coklat bubuk (me: 3 sdm coklat bubuk+ 1bks chocolatos).
- Prepare 1 butir of kuning telur.
- It's 5 sdm of gula pasir.
- You need 125 gram of butter (lelehkan).
- It's 50 gram of mentega (boleh skip).
- You need 1 bks of skm (boleh skip).
- You need 150 gram of terigu.
- Prepare 1/4 sdt of BP.
- Prepare 1/4 sdt of vanili.
- Prepare of Topping: kismis, chocochip.
Steel cut oats will not work in this recipe. These chocolate banana overnight oats bring together oats, banana and chocolate protein powder to make a quick and easy breakfast option that tastes like dessert. Use your brown bananas to make these amazing Banana Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies. These oatmeal banana cookies are healthy and easy to make.
Chocoffe oat banana step by step
- Kocok kuning telur,vanili,gula pasir,mentega hingga berjejak(kalo gak pke mentega cukup telur,gula,vanili aja).
- Masukkan tepung terigu,coklat bubuk,BP,coffee instan (yang sudah di ayak lebih baik) aduk rata dgn spatula.
- Kemudian masukkan skm dan butter yg telah di lelehkan, aduk kembali dengan sptula.
- Masukkan oatmeal dan pisang aduk rata, setelah itu bentuk di loyang yg telah di olesi mentega,,, beri topping kismis dan chocochip, panggang di oven dengan api sedang kurang lebih 30 menit,.
- Siap di saji kan.
Bold banana flavor, chewiness from the oats, and plenty of chocolate in every bite!! So I knew these banana chocolate chip bars would be a winner before I even tasted them. The combination of bananas and chocolate chips makes these healthy pancakes taste decadent enough to serve for Banana-Oat Chocolate Chip Pancakes. about the author. These Chocolate Banana Muffins are one of our all-time favorite baked goods. They are gluten-free if you use certified gluten-free oats and they're nut-free.