Puding busa avocado coffee ketofy. Puding Busa Avocado (BAHAN ADA DI BAWAH INI) Mau bikin dessert dingin habis makan siang? Langsung saja buat Puding Busa Avocado yang lembut ini. Puding alpukat - oreo - coklat / avocado pudding.
Halo penikmat Youtube , di video kali ini saya akan membagikan Resep dan Cara membuat Puding Avoreo / Avocado Oreo Coklat.
Resep Puding coklat #KETO #DEBM favorit.
Puding coklat paling enaaak seger legit tetep masih di jalur keto dan debm 👌🏻 Recook : bunda nurul hamzah.
You can cook Puding busa avocado coffee ketofy using 23 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook that.
Ingredients of Puding busa avocado coffee ketofy
- You need 1 of Lapis.
- It's 2 bh of alpukat matang uk sedang.
- It's 7 gram of agar agar plain.
- It's 200 ml of santan instan+100 ml air.
- Prepare 200 ml of air biasa(utk blender alpukat).
- Prepare sesuai selera of Pemanis.
- It's Sejumput of garam biar gurih ya.
- Prepare 2 of Lapis.
- It's 7 gram of agar agar plain.
- You need 100 ml of santan.
- It's 400 ml of air.
- It's 1 sdt of pasta pisang/bs diganti yg ada aja di rmh.
- It's 3 btr of putih telur.
- Prepare sesuai selera of Pemanis.
- It's 3 of Lapis.
- Prepare 7 gram of agar agar plain.
- Prepare 1 sdm of kopi instan dilarutkan dgn air panas 50 ml.
- You need 1 sdm of coklat bubuk.
- You need 400 ml of air.
- It's 2 saset of kecil santan instan.
- It's sesuai selera of Pemanis.
- It's Sejumput of garam.
- It's 3 of .
Ketofy is the most popular online store for Low Carb Ketogenic Food, Order now. Ketofy is a the world's first brand of natural food that is ultra low in carbs and has an ultra low glycemic index. Ketofy KETO Coffee / Bulletproof Coffee ☕️. Inside the packet, a bag of premium coffee drip + keto creamer in powdered form (clarified butter + MCT oil butter) - for a complete and more effective bulletproof coffee.
Puding busa avocado coffee ketofy instructions
- Masak bahan 1 kecuali alpukat, setelah mendidih buang uap panas, masukan alpukat yg sdh diblender dgn 200ml air.tuang le loyang diamkan sampai agak mengeras..
- Masak bahan 2 kecuali putih telur ya..sambil kita kocok putih telor sampai kaku, lalu masukan sedikit sedikit bahan 2 ke dlm kocokan putih telor sambil dimixer speed rendah.setelah tercampur rata tuang ke atas lapisan 1.diamkan kembali sampai agak mengeras.
- Masak bahan lapisan 3 sampai mendidih, aduk aduk sampai uap hilang tuang kembali sambil disaring ya biar gak gelembung.simpan dikulkas 1 jam.puding siap di nikmati..enjoy.
Taste and add more coffee or sugar if desired. Coat the inside of two tall glasses with chocolate syrup. Scoop out bits of avocado into each glass Divide the coconut-coffee mixture equally between the glasses. Add ice and drizzle with more chocolate syrup if desired. Serve with a long spoon and a straw.