Recipe: Appetizing Banana Coffee Smoothies

Banana Coffee Smoothies.

Banana Coffee Smoothies You can have Banana Coffee Smoothies using 4 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Banana Coffee Smoothies

  1. It's 2 buah of Pisang.
  2. It's 200 ml of kopi.
  3. It's 1 sachet of bendera kental manis.
  4. You need secukupnya of Es batu.

Banana Coffee Smoothies step by step

  1. Potong pisang lalu taruh di frezzer. Saya taruh malam, besok siang baru ambil..
  2. Blender pisang beku, kopi, bendera kental manis dan es batu..
  3. Blender hingga tercampur rata dan agak kental. Sajikan. Enak... segerr... 😘😘.