Strawberry tiramisu (no coffee, kids friendly). Strawberry Tiramisu is a very tasty and easy strawberry recipe. It doesn't contain any alcohol and is therefore perfect for kids as well. Tags: strawberry tiramisu,tiramisu,strawberry,strawberry tiramisu recipe,tiramisu recipe,how to make strawberry tiramisu,no bake strawberry tiramisu.
Summer means strawberries, which go great with tiramisuโespecially when they're soaked in rum!
So how pretty is this tiramisu?
I have to admit that I'm a sucker for pretty food.
You can have Strawberry tiramisu (no coffee, kids friendly) using 15 ingredients and 12 steps. Here is how you achieve it.
Ingredients of Strawberry tiramisu (no coffee, kids friendly)
- You need 300 gr of strawberries ๐ (atau lebih).
- You need 14 pcs of lady fingers (atau sesuai wadah).
- Prepare of Syrup untuk celupan.
- It's 70-50 gr of caster sugar (klo ga suka manis bs dikurangin).
- You need 170-100 ml of air (bisa dikurangin karena nyisa banyak).
- It's of Note: klo gula dikurangin air dikurangin juga supaya tetap kental..
- You need of Cream + cheese filling.
- You need 284 (1 pack) of double cream.
- It's 1 sdt of vanilla essence.
- You need 170-100 gr of caster sugar (ini maniis ya, klo mo bikin 1 layer atau strawberry nya manis, bisa dikurangin).
- It's 250 gr (1 pack) of mascarpone, room temperature.
- Prepare of Topping, opsional.
- Prepare 4 buah of strawberries ๐, belah 2.
- Prepare 1 sdt of icing sugar (opsional, cepet lumer dan hilang jg haha).
- You need 2 sdm of roasted almond flakes (panaskan 1 sdt butter, masukkan almond flakes mentah, goreng sampai kecoklatan, tiriskan dgn tissue).
I mean, I LOVE really delicious food, but let's be honestโsometimes the best foods just don't look all that pretty. This strawberry tiramisu is a great dessert to take to a party or pot luck. It's easily transported so long as you keep it in the original dish used to prepare. Simply cover with plastic wrap, keep chilled and take along to your gathering.
Strawberry tiramisu (no coffee, kids friendly) instructions
- Cuci bersih dan potong stroberi 3-4 bagian jgn terlalu tipis..
- Didihkan air dan gula untuk syrup dgn api sedang sampai larut dan mulai mengental..
- Kecilkan api. Masukkan stroberi, masak sampai stroberi mulai lemas, max 5โ, matikan.. (Note u kompor listrik: langsung matikan, setelah 5โ angkat dr hob)..
- Saring stroberi, sisihkan..
- Kocok double cream, gula dan vanilla essence dg mixer kecepatan tinggi sampai soft peaks..
- Masukkan mascarpone, kocok dgn mixer kecepatan rendah sampai stiff peaks (klo bowl dibalik adonan ngga drop, dan saya beneran ngetesnya kek gini)..
- Celupkan lady fingers ke dalam syrup. Tata di bagian dasar wadah (saya pakai 1L)..
- Tata stroberi di atas lady fingers. Kemudian adonan cream + cheese. Ratakan dan hentakkan ringan..
- Tata lapisan kedua lady fingers dan stroberi, kemudian tutup rata dengan adonan cream + cheese. Ratakan dan hentakkan ringan. Note: ini tempatnya kekecilan bgt (ato saya nata lapisan pertama ketebelan), jd lapisan kedua lady fingers n strawberry empet2an supaya bisa masuk 1 layer cream lg di atasnya...
- Hias sesuka hati. Tutup dan diamkan di kulkas 4-6 jam..
- Note: karena pake kontainer kecil jadinya dapet 2..
- Scoop in dan selamat menikmati ๐๐๐...
It will go fast so you will probably need to double up the recipe! Ladyfinger cookies are a must for the Tiramisu recipe as they will absorb the coffee mix without breaking and adding an extra creamy texture to the final result. Strawberry Shortcake and Tiramisu merge into the most delicious mashup yet: Strawberry Shortcake Tiramisu. I am so pleased to be guest blogging over at Better Homes and Gardens' blog Delish Dish today and sharing a Strawberry Shortcake Tiramisu HERE ! I adore Delish Dish and follow it regularly. recipes.